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 A blunt is any move on a wave in which the stern of the kayak separates from the water and does a 180 rotation on the wave.

Photos on Stanley..........

Preparation - To do A blunt you will need a smaller boat with a flat planing hull. There are two types of blunts, pumped blunts and carving blunts. Pumped Blunts are the easiest so we will start out with those.

Pumped Blunt - Pumped blunts are easiest if you have a bigger steep surging wave in which you will be able to gain a lot of speed. (1) To initiate a pumped blunt you need to wait until you are at the top of a wave accelerating down the face. With the pumped blunts you will find it easiest to time your blunts with the surges in the wave, this will give you much more air and make it a lot easier. (2) As you begin to drop down the face of the wave this is the time to initiate the move. (3) Throw all of your weight forward onto the front deck then in one smooth motion throw your weight back and lift your legs. If you do this right this should pump you boat into the air. (4) Once you have pumped your boat into the air throw all of your weight in the direction that you wish to blunt. (5) As you throw you weight in that direction, plant a pry stroke into the wave below you, on the same side. (6) This will make the boat rotate around the paddle sending the tail of the boat into the air and the bow should pass under you. (7) Wow, wasn't that rad.

So once again, You are at the top of a wave beginning to drop down the face. (1) Throw all of your weight forward onto the bow of your boat now very smoothly but aggressively throw your weight back make sure that you body only goes to 90 degrees when you are throwing your weight back. If you end up on your back deck it will be impossible to complete the move. (2) Now that you have just pumped your boat into the air lift the leg opposite the direction you plan to plant your pry stroke and (3) plant your pry stroke all in the same motion. (4) If you nail all movements you should be blunting like it is going out of style.

Carving Blunts - As you are surfing a wave wait until you are at the top of the wave and accelerating down the face. As you begin to reach maximum speed carve hard in one direction. As soon as you feel your boat begin to carve aggressively throw all you weight in the opposite direction and put in a pry stroke on the same side that you have just thrown your weight to. This will make the boat do a 180 rotation with the stern of the boat in the air . The more you are on edge in the first carve the more elevation you will get off the face of the wave. On a surge wave you will be able to time this with the surges in the wave, making the move a lot easier and impressive.
Left Blunt (Real Video): 191Kb
Right Blunt (Real Video): 215Kb


 Plant your paddle

Rotate around your paddle
Show the world the bottom of your boat
