Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 21st October 2015
1.Welcome from the chair & review of the year
Fiona Barry (FB) welcomed those present to the AGM
and summarised the activities and successes of the club over the past 12months.Thanks
to all volunteers and coaches who help run the club
2.Apologies for Absence
received prior to the meeting from
Mike Alter
Ruth Edwards
Colin Smith
Kathy Morton
Ian Bell
Mark Benson
Paul Harwood
Jeanette Bond
Sam Preston
3.Minutes of the previous AGM – Click here
Proposed as a true record by Dom Buckley and seconded by Chris Fletcher.
Signed as a true record by the Chair FB
3a. Matters arising - none
4.Treasurers report Sam Godsell Online Year End Accounts – Click here
Keith Steer (KS) gave a summary report of the club’s financial position.
End of year balance reflects 2 years of Liverpool triathlon income. Income from
pool sessions lower than in previous years. KS answered queries from the floor.
reports from each discipline (2 minutes each) (Sea kayaking video – Brian
Green, White Water Italy – Joe Sheppard)
Sea kayaking summary presented by Pete Thomas (PT) on behalf of Brian
Coaching summary presented by Dave Reynolds on behalf of Ian Bell.
Including a request for volunteers
Juniors summary presented by Chris Murphy, with thanks to the volunteers
who help with running all the sessions.
White Water summary presented by Roy McHale
Canoe Polo – no rep present KS summarized current teams (5) including
ladies and junior teams
Open boats summary report read out by Frankie Annan(FA) on behalf of Mike
Alter and Ruth Edwards
Slalom summary presented by Michal Giezgala
Freestyle summary – no reps present
Surf summary presented by Karl Tattum, another very active and successful
Stand up Paddleboard summary no reps present
Safety cover report presented by John Worswick (JW) with special mention
to the 40 volunteers who turned up to support the Liverpool Tri which provides
significant funds to the club.
6. Members motions –
Proposal 1 - To introduce two new club members onto the Stewardship
group without specific responsibility to increase the amount of representation
from all members & sectors of the club. Proposed Ian Bell, Seconded by Dave
Motion passed by those present at the AGM
7. Election of Officers – Proposed list of those willing to stand
for 2015-16
Chair – Fiona Barry;
Secretary – Frankie Annan
Treasurer - Sam Godsell;
Membership Secretary &
Volunteers – Keith Steer;
Welfare Officers - Frankie
Annan & Jeanette Bond,
Publicity – Pete Thomas;
Social Events – Fiona
Barry& Jeanette Bond;
Grants- Nicky Corbett
Junior / Youth Coordinator – Chris Murphy;
Notice boards - Peter
Massey; Kingsway pool on Thursday Fiona Barry; Kingsway pool on Monday Stuart
Toulson & John Cooke;
Special thanks going to
those who are now moving on: Joanne Fisher - Social Events,
Dom Buckley – Safeguarding,
Brian Green – Sea Kayaking,
Carl Leungsangnam -
Assistant Coach;
Charles Andersen, Don
Brooks, Mike Hughes, John Worswick & Tony Doyle – Equipment.
Mark Young - White Water,
Paul Harwood - Surf
“Discipline Representatives” to advise members
/ act as a point of contact:
Coaching Coordinator – Dave
Technical Coaching Advisor
– Ian Bell;
Polo –Scott Gibson, Sea –
Peter Thomas;
White Water –Joe Sheppard
& Roy McHale;
Freestyle Sam Preston &
Kieran Sinnott;
Open Boat – Mike Alter
& Ruth Edwards; Kayak Safety Cover – John Worswick;
Slalom – Michal Giezgala;
Racing – Colin Smith;
Surf – Brian Green and Karl
SOT - Vacant;
SUP - Paul Harwood
Equipment Officers – John Pegram (Docks); Steve Bond (Broadgreen);
Dave Brown (Halewood); (Kingsway) Dominic Fahey
Proposed by Steve Gille and
seconded by Dom Buckley
KS asked for those
interested in filling vacant positions including the 2 new stewardship
positions to contact him after the meeting.
8. Paddler of the Year / Young paddler of the
Year / Volunteer of the Year / Swimmer
of the Year Award – Awards presented
by Fiona Barry, summary of all the nominees available on the club website.
Paddler of the Year - Nathan Edwards
Young Paddler of the Year – Luke Durband
Volunteer of the Year – John Fay
Swimmer of the Year – Pete Thomas
to 9:30pm - Club expedition to Slovenia presentation
(The best photos and World Premiere of - Slovenian paddling movie 2015 by “Never
again Productions”
Date and time of next meeting: To be confirmed proposed second
Monday of October 2016