Covid 19 Guidance (paddling and Equipment)

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Liverpool Canoe Club Advice on Covid 19

Covid-19 update – how the club intends to respond to the 1-month National Lockdown

The Stewardship group have reviewed all the latest guidance and agreed on the following. From 00:01 Thursday 5th November we will suspend all club paddles until either the national lockdown is lifted or further guidance allows. The club always operates within prevailing British Canoeing and Government guidance.

  • The docks and compound will be closed from 00:01 on Thursday 5th November until further notice.

We intend to reinstate the Monday evening zoom calls with club presentations and informal talks but this does mean we need volunteers to talk about any aspect of paddle sport. Please contact to volunteer.

Please note that while all club group activity is prohibited, members are still free to exercise either alone, within their household group or to meet one other from outside of their household to exercise.  This means that if you have your own equipment, you can still paddle locally but please ensure that any paddling is well within your capabilities.  

There are many local venues within easy reach of Merseyside.  Example locations and access points can be found here  It would be great if members could post short trip reports of any paddling undertaken to inspire others (text and photos to

You can still use this google group to ask for one other person to paddle with you, but you must ensure you keep within the rules. Please note than any such paddling will be a private paddle. No paddles will be put on the club calendar during this time.

Many thanks for all you support over the summer. It has been great to see so much paddling by the club during these difficult times.