The Club only has 8 rules |
Buoyancy aids should be worn by all persons on the water.
Spraydecks should not be used until 1 star is held or with the
permission of a coach.
Novice paddlers (i.e. not passed 1 star) must stay by the polo
pitch / concrete slipway unless accompanied by a competent adult
or young proficient paddler.
Paddlers must be in groups of at least three boats. This does
not apply to 4 Star standard paddlers or ranked competitive paddlers
using the facilities.
If you use club equipment please put it away tidily after use.
Please drain boats and help by putting the securing line back
through to lock boats.
Please try and help keep the club premises tidy and safe for all
Be aware of other water craft and give them extra room especially
at bridges and moorings.
Junior Members Code of Conduct
All junior club members are asked to abide by the following
rules at all times:
Always sign in on the board when attending the club
To be on time for training sessions and participating events or
inform your coach if you know you are going to be late.
Co-operate with and respect all requests and decisions made by
the coaches, helpers, officials and administrators.
Control your temper and avoid behaviour which may inconvenience
or upset others.
Be considerate and respectful to other paddlers and water users.
Treat other paddlers as you would want to be treated yourself.
Wear suitable clothing and kit for paddling as agreed with your
Take care of all property belonging to the club or other club
Replace all paddles in rack after use
Empty boats of water and put away
Zip buoyancy aids and hang up and hang spray-decks.
If you need help with boats ASK. Don't leave them on the
Be responsible for caring for your own clothing and equipment.
Do not leave sessions without the permission of the coach or leader.
Junior members are not allowed to smoke, consume alcohol or drugs
of any kind whilst on the club premises or whilst representing
the club at any events.
Never paddle alone. No matter how well you think you can paddle.
Abide by the club rule of paddling in groups of 3 or more for
safety reasons.
Respect all wildlife i.e. swans, ducks and fish etc and do not
disturb it in any way, shape or form. Follow the canoeist's code.
If you have a problem that you feel conflicts with the rules,
tell an appropriate adult i.e. a coach or helper and they will
try and resolve it for you.
Junior members are encouraged to take an active interest in all
disciplines of paddling that the club offers. However, no-one
will be made to participate in any activity they are not comfortable
Child Protection & Harassment Policy
Liverpool Canoe Club is fully committed to safeguarding the well being of its members. All members should show respect and understanding for the rights, safety and welfare of others, and conduct themselves in away that reflects the principles of the Club.
Club coaches should follow the BCU Code of Ethics.
All Club coaches, helpers and officials working with young people
should read and adhere to the BCU Child Protection and Harassment
Policy. The Club will follow the guidance of the policy in the
event of any concerns or allegations.
The Club will ensure that anyone working with young people undertake
a screening procedure.
All Club members are made aware of the Club Codes of Conduct.
The Club will obtain written Medical details of young paddlers
which will be made known to coaches where deemed appropriate and/or
The training supervisor use BCU qualified/updated coaches.
Unqualified coaches can only work alongside a qualified coach.
The club will encourage and support helpers to gain qualifications
and assist coaches to stay updated.
The Club will identify a person whose role it is to deal with
any issues concerning Child Protection and Harassment and notify
this person to all members. Anyone with concerns with respect
to Child Abuse or Harassment should contact that person. If that
person is unavailable they can contact the Club Chairman or the
BCU Child Protection Harassment Officer.
The Club will adopt and regularly review its Operating and Safety
The Club will review this Policy annually.
If you have any queries or concerns about child protection within
the club please contact our Child Protection Officer.
Keeping Your Child Safe in Sport
The Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) have issued
the "Helping keep your child safe in sport" leaflet,
aimed at parents to aid them to ask the right questions about
what child protection clubs and centres have in place.
Liverpool Canoe Club has a Welfare Officer in place and be working
towards training to the BCU Time To Listen course standard for
the Welfare officer, the BCU updated its child protection policies
in early 2007. If you are unsure please visit the BCU website
or speak to your Paddlesports Development Officer.
Our club Child Protection Officer is Jo Halford. If you have any
queries or concerns about child protection within the club please
contact our Child Protection Officer.Our Child Protection Policy
can be read above.
The government Helping Keep Your Child Safe in Sport leaflet is
available to download here.