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Liverpool Canoe Club on Discord

This page allows you to join the Club Discord message group(s). You can link / mute / leave any of the groups at anytime and it is the place to discuss trips and paddling within the club.

1/ You will need to sign up to discord first.
You can create your account on the Discord registration page, or in the app. Please use your first and surname as your display name so that people in LCC running trips know who you are.

2/ You will then need to add this Discord Username to your LCC account or profile. (Click and scroll to the bottom where you will find Discord Username box. Make sure you click save.

3/ After a little while you will be able to join the LCC Discord Server either on the web, desktop or mobile app. Paste this link into the join a server box
You can download Discord for free on desktop here, or through the Google Play store  or Apple App Store on mobile and tablets