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BULL BAY PADDLE  19.01.2020 (Improvers Sea Kayak Trip) by Vic Leather

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 BULL BAY PADDLE  19.01.2020 (Improvers Sea Kayak Trip) by Vic Leather

On a cold foggy Sunday morning we descended on the Bull bay hotel car park in Anglesey. We unloaded the boats onto the slipway and then split into 3 groups. Our group consisted of Jim Krawiecki, Jon Dyson, Olivia Oldham, Andy Garland, Roger Colman, Martin Sinnott and me, Vic Leather.


Jim led our group along with Roger and Andy. As we paddled out of Bull Bay Jim gave us some pointers for the day using –

Bow rudder

Extended sweep stroke

The box (for turning while protecting the shoulders)

We rock hopped along trying the new tips we had picked up, weaving in between rock formations and paddling in and out of sea caves. We passed the Brickworks and made our way along the coast. We could see middle mouse island in the distance …


As we paddled up Jim let Andy and Roger lead the group as we reached the stopping point.

It was from here we would paddle directly across to the island at its shortest route aiming off for wind and tide.  Following Jim, we paddled across in a tight group, there and back to then pull into a little cove for lunch. It was then Andy told us he had had a hip replacement 3 months ago so to be out on the water was a major achievement (Well done Andy).


As we paddled back to Bull Bay, we were the last group in. As we pulled the boats up onto the beach, I could hear John Fay say “oh well at least there was no casualties “!  I soon found out that this was not the case … there in fact had been a casualty and needed to be rescued by Keith Steer. While practicing edging my hero idol and mentor Rolling Bob Hamilton went for a swim.

As we loaded the boats back onto the cars Sue Hamilton and Julie Brookes had saved us some Sausage rolls and chocolate brownies. Life was good again with the sun going down over the water.  It was a lovely ending to another magical day with Liverpool Canoe Club.

A big thank you to everyone who turned up and the volunteers and organisers.

What a fantastic day.


Vic Leather

More Photos…….