Sea kayaking & Sea Touring
Sea kayaking is historically one of the earliest forms of paddling, with archaeological evidence suggesting highly developed craft and skilled hunter-fishermen as far back as 500 BC.

Nowadays sea kayakers are not normally in the position of fishing for the family fayre, but the craft are remarkably similar in lines to their museum forerunners. If you are interested in trying out the sport there are ideal opportunities to join BCU organised paddles and meets with experienced sea paddlers.
Sea Kayaking is environmentally friendly and appeals to all ages who enjoy open spaces, salt air and the feeling of being at one with nature. The sea is not, however, a big lake and the ocean has a temperament and character which needs to be understood. Weather, tides and charts should be considered and journeys planned. Not all sea paddling is on calm water, for some the essence of the sport is in meeting challenging conditions and undertaking long open crossings, or playing in over-falls and tide races.
A new development in recent years has been the introduction of sea racing: standard expedition kayaks are raced over a distances of up to 12 miles. All the races are friendly and informal and have touring classes. Sea kayaking for many however, is a quiet individual experience to be enjoyed quietly, away from the crowds.
Sea Risk Assessment
Menai Straits Tidal Streams