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2024 LCC River Karnali Trip (Nepal) Day 14 – Monkey Temple

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2024 LCC River Karnali Trip – Nepal Day 14 – Monkey Temple We had a lie-in! We slept through our alarm and didn’t get up until 7.30 am! After breakfast in the hotel, we (me, Martin, Keith and Stuart) headed out to the “Monkey Temple” or ‘Swayambhunath Stupa’, about a 35-minute walk from the hotel. We took the back streets and saw fresh meat being butchered and fish hanging to… Read More »2024 LCC River Karnali Trip (Nepal) Day 14 – Monkey Temple

2024 LCC Alpine Paddling Holiday Day 05 Wednesday: Upper Guisane by Stuart T

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A group of people in kayaks in a river Description automatically generated

2024 LCC Alpine Paddling Holiday Day 05 Wednesday: Upper Guisane by Stuart T It had been decided the previous evening that Roy would take charge and decide today’s paddle. Within an instant, it was announced to be the Upper Guisane. The water levels this year are still higher than we have been used to following the recent floods. We departed the campsite and split into two groups, one heading to… Read More »2024 LCC Alpine Paddling Holiday Day 05 Wednesday: Upper Guisane by Stuart T

2024 LCC River Karnali Trip (Nepal) Day 13 – Pokhara – Kathmandu

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2024 LCC River Karnali Trip – Nepal Day 13 – Pokhara – Kathmandu Once again we were in our minibus at 6.45 to head back to Kathmandu. Fortunately, the road back was not as bad as the road there and it only took 8.5 hours to get back to Kathmandu. Kathmandu mid-afternoon was crazy busy with the roads chock-a-block with cars and bikes and mopeds, everyone overtaking and squeezing their… Read More »2024 LCC River Karnali Trip (Nepal) Day 13 – Pokhara – Kathmandu

2024 LCC River Karnali Trip (Nepal) Day 12 – Pokhara

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2024 LCC River Karnali Trip – Nepal Day 12 – Pokhara We arrived back in Pokhara around 7 am and said our goodbyes to everyone before checking into our hotel. After showering, we headed out into Pokhara for the day. We hired a row boat and paddled across the lake and from there hiked up around 400 steps to reach the Shanti Stupa, or Peace Pagoda, a Buddhist temple with… Read More »2024 LCC River Karnali Trip (Nepal) Day 12 – Pokhara

2024 LCC Alpine Paddling Holiday Day 04 Tuesday: Camping Le Ecrins slalom site to St Clements, Slalom site, Middle Durance River by Roy M

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2024 LCC Alpine Paddling Holiday Day 04 Tuesday: Camping Le Ecrins slalom site to St Clements, Slalom site, Middle Durance River by Roy M The drivers did the shuttle at 9 am and at 10 am everyone was ready for the trip on the side of the river. There were 13 LCC paddlers in total, and a couple of us carried up and ran the slalom course which was unusually… Read More »2024 LCC Alpine Paddling Holiday Day 04 Tuesday: Camping Le Ecrins slalom site to St Clements, Slalom site, Middle Durance River by Roy M

2024 LCC Alpine Paddling Holiday Day 03 Monday: The Veneon Valley access road was closed by Kirk Williams

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2024 LCC Alpine Paddling Holiday Day 03 Monday: The Veneon Valley access road was closed by Kirk Williams Our moving day got off to a bright start thanks to my red wine overindulgence the previous evening. After some slightly disorganised packing, we set off on the journey from l’Isle de la Serre (near Lyon) to L’Argentière-la-Bessée. Our plans for a cheeky paddle on the Veneon were scuppered by road closures following… Read More »2024 LCC Alpine Paddling Holiday Day 03 Monday: The Veneon Valley access road was closed by Kirk Williams

2024 LCC River Karnali Trip (Nepal) Day 11 – to take out at Chisapaani Paddling day 8

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2024 LCC River Karnali Trip – Nepal Day 11 – to take out at Chisapaani Paddling day 8 Despite being the latest we had gotten up (at 7 am), we were now so slick that we were all on the water ready to paddle by 8.25 am. We only had a short way to go but then we would need to load the bus and start the long drive back… Read More »2024 LCC River Karnali Trip (Nepal) Day 11 – to take out at Chisapaani Paddling day 8

2024 LCC Alpine Paddling Holiday Day 02 Sunday: Espace Eau Vive de l’Isle de la Serre by Colin L

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A group of people in kayaks in a river Description automatically generated

2024 LCC Alpine Paddling Holiday Day 02 Sunday: Espace Eau Vive de l’Isle de la Serre by Colin L On our first visit to La Serre and Eau Vive we were greeted with a thunderous storm at 3 am but better the rain then than during our day.   A leisurely start the next morning with a brief walk around the course and a “oh my God” look at the top… Read More »2024 LCC Alpine Paddling Holiday Day 02 Sunday: Espace Eau Vive de l’Isle de la Serre by Colin L

SEA  PADDLE  –  PORTH DAFARCH  &  Penrhyn Mawr by Roger Colman

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SEA  PADDLE  –  PORTH DAFARCH  &  Penrhyn Mawr –   Sunday  21st  July  2024 After a great rescue session yesterday, it would be fair to say I was somewhat achy this morning.  In an attempt to revive myself, a ‘Full English’ (breakfast) in the ‘Paddlers Return’ seemed like a good idea.   Ian had given those booked onto the trip the details of where and when to meet and, surprise, surprise, there… Read More »SEA  PADDLE  –  PORTH DAFARCH  &  Penrhyn Mawr by Roger Colman

2024 LCC River Karnali Trip (Nepal) Day 10 – Camp at Kuine Paddling Day 7

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2024 LCC River Karnali Trip – Nepal Day 10 – Camp at Kuine Paddling Day 7 After the previous day’s very short paddle, we now had a long paddle of approximately 45km ahead of us. After another delicious breakfast, we were off. It was mostly a flat paddle today with no dawdling as we had a lot of distance to cover but the speed of the river swept us along… Read More »2024 LCC River Karnali Trip (Nepal) Day 10 – Camp at Kuine Paddling Day 7