The club`s major event of the year is on Sunday 15th July at Dee Sailing club. We organise the Hilbre Island Sea Kayak Race. It is great to watch so please come across and support the event, but it is even better to take part. If you do not feel confident going around Hilbre Island, then we have two shorter distances. These are ideal for all and we have support boats and safety kayaks following all events. Club kayaks are available, and the compound will be open Sunday morning and later in the afternoon to collect and return boats. We would welcome more club members to take part so please click the links to find out more and enter; before all the remaining places are gone. Click here for more information…….
Little Eye Race (All Kayaks) 9km
Paddle from the beach (causeway), clockwise around the Little Eye and back to the finish line.
West Kirby Race (All Kayaks, under 16s and Open Canoes) 4km (Approximately twice round the docks)
Paddle from the beach (causeway), along the shore to West Kirby and around the turn buoy by the slipway and return.
| Next Race – Sunday 15th July 2018
The Start is at Dee Sailing club (CH61 0HN) START TIME 13:00 pm with a beach (Le Mans style) mass start (Seeded start line). The finish will be a buoy on the water in line with the causeway. Prize giving and BBQ will be in the club house after the event. (BBQ items and drinks can be purchased from the club house) The main Hilbre Island Race goes clockwise around all three islands (13km) while a shorter race for General Purpose and touring boats goes clockwise around the first island (Little Eye). We also have a short junior and novice race along the shore to West Kirby and return. Conditions can be very rough on the northern end of Hilbre and anyone entering the Hilbre Island Race needs to be sure that they can cope with the conditions on the day. If conditions are too rough then modified courses may be used. We have a number of safety craft covering the race. Several kayak rescue teams will also be positioned on the end of Hilbre Island, Little Eye and along the route. Places are limited to the first 50 entrants. Little Eye Race (9Km) – First Kayak, Ladies Race, Doubles (any design)