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Liverpool U18s Canoe Polo team win Division 4 at Hull international

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Last weekend on the  7th -8th July the LCC  youth polo team went to  the Joy Davis Hull International Polo tournament playing in Division  4 .

With  8am  start on the Saturday the lads won all four  of their games (as well as fitting in the England game in the pub  between games  ) scoring 14 goals without conceding and finishing the day with another tight game against Kingston Youth and finishing top of their mini league .

Another early start on the Sunday saw all  the winners of Saturdays mini leagues play against each other and they started the day badly with their first defeat of the weekend against Pennine B losing 3-2 . Their next game  and for a place in the final up for grabs (and potential  revenge  against Pennine) was against  Manchester Wildcats ( who were also defeated by Pennine  3-2  )  who were quickly swept aside with five nil  .

Then onto the Final and despite  going 2-0 down  and with some unsporting behaviour from Pennine fought back to get a 2-2 draw with 30 seconds left on clock .After  a short break we were  into extra time and  golden goals .With both teams lined up Luke won the sprint ( yet again ) and after a couple of passes the ball was received by Dean under the goal who fired it home to win the final and a great victory  .

A big well done to Aaron , Callum , John , Luke , Dean and Myles .

Norman Cook ( U18 team coach )

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