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Liverpool win the Div 2 Ladies Canoe Polo League

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Firstly thank you all for all your help during the tournaments; reffing, helping with the goals, and doing the table (a shout out here is deserved to the man from Dolly’s who looked after the table single-handedly on Saturday).

Thank you also for your understanding with date and pool changes, I think this last tournament was a really good one in the end!

So, the final results are…. Liverpool in first place and Dolly Mixtures in second! Congratulations to both teams and I hope everyone enjoyed themselves during the league.

Dolly Mixtures1591551262528
Durham Uni158073631524

Finally, I just want to advertise the Ladies Development weekend which is being ran in Liverpool in September. Any individuals can go of any level, there is no need to enter as a team.

Best wishes!
