Hi All,
We are looking to run several of the new British Canoeing Awards at the club over the next few months for our volunteers and helpers. These courses will be run by Nick and Matt from Sea Kayak Essentials and will be run from our compound at the docks.
I know many of you already run / coordinate trips and sessions for the club. However, if you are intersted in developing your skills and picking up a qualification in the process please put your name forward. The club will cover the full cost of any course fee(s) (Typically £160 per person) knowing that you will use the experience to volunteer to run sessions / courses and trips for the club. It is only fair the club gives a little something back to its vounteers. You will have to be a member of the British Canoeing to hold the award(s) and pay British Canoeing a Course Registration fee but the club will run first aid and FSRT courses to ensure you have all the prerequisite.
Expressions of intrest are requested from anyone interested in:
Paddlesport Leader Award – Sheltered water trips eg docks / River Dee at Chester
Paddlesort Instructor Award – Introductory courses / Starter sessions and basic coaching including our pool sessions
Please reply to mailto:website@iverpoolcanoeclub.co.uk with your name, which course(s) you are intersted in and a brief word about your experience / any awards you may already hold.