After another wet week the Dee was full and flowing. Once a minimal faff car shuttle was complete everyone safely launched round the trees from the bottom of the car park and 4 groups paddled off down the river. There were not many eddies as the water levels seemed quite high on the banks, but plenty of grade 2 bouncy bits to keep people on their toes. A play wave on one bend with 2 big eddies either side enabled everyone to regroup and enjoy the odd burst of sun while a tennis balls was thrown around. A great spot to practice surfing and ferry gliding. Next stop was lunch in a field beside the river to refuel before the main rapid of the day – Trevor Rocks! They were fast and bouncy, but no problem for the LCC – 100% success. Round the bend the country park came into view. The autumn colours in the valley and a perfect view of the aqueduct made for great end to the introductory river trip. Or was that the trip to the pub afterwards?
Report by Jenny Brown