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Winter Rolling Challenge

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Winter Rolling Challenge

For those of you who are new to the club, each winter we have a

rolling challenge. The Aim is to see how many full roll’s (360 degrees) you can make in 30 secs.  Be they paddle, hand, stick, bar or tandem (pairs in the duo) rolls.

This quick test gives you a reference to how good or bad your rolling is getting (if performed annually !!!!!)

Last  Monday a few members had a go.

Well done All

So hopefully see more of you at the pool (2 more weeks until pool closes over Christmas)

Dave Reynolds 

NameRankPaddle Rolls
Dave Gentle28
Fiona Gentle56
Steve Alcock19
Jonathan Richardson37
Martin Eley73
Dom Fahey37
Peter Walmsley65
NameRankBar Rolls
Dan Stancioiu38
Mark Broderick47
John Edwards111
Ellie Clews (Junior)111
NameRankAlternate side Rolls
Steve Alcock211