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2021 Scottish Sea Kayaking Trip to the Summer Isles Day 05

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2021 Scottish Sea Kayaking Trip to the Summer Isles

Day 05 Thursday Oldany Island camp at Cnoc a Mhoil Bhain to loch na mols (small bay) by Mark Benson

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Overnight winds had lessened when we awoke to a calmer day. However, the light breeze was still enough to keep the midges at bay (hurrah!).

Catriona led us off, heading east along the south coast of Eddrachillis Bay. Initially we threaded between and around a number of small islands, meeting several seals along the way. We continued along the coast, passing in and out of the small A picture containing sky, grass, outdoor, cloudyDescription automatically generated lochs. Loch Nedd and Loch Ardbhair gave sheltered diversions and a chance for a rest. We entered Loch Ardbhair against a mild tidal flow of the outgoing tide. Some ferry glided to the far side and worked the eddies in the narrows.

Finally, we continued around the last section of coast to reach Keith’s “5 star” target beach in Loch na Mola. We weren’t disappointed, though the picturesque hinterland of Lochan na Dubh Leithi threatened mosquitoes to add to the inevitable midges.

The grassy camping area was not sufficient for all of us, and some camped on the shingle beach, the guy lines of their geodesic tents secured with rocks. The continuing breeze gave us time to relax and enjoy dinner but as it dropped away, so the midges emerged and some of us retreated to our tents.

Frankie observed that the setting sun would make for some good photos; alerted by this, I enjoyed watching the sun set into the sea. As evening drew on the wind began to build up again. We were in for a very noisy night, wondering if our tents would hold. However, it was mainly “sound and fury”, everyone’s tent was still in place by morning and the wind doubtless lessened the presence of our winged tormentors.

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A group of people on a beachDescription automatically generated with low confidenceA picture containing sky, outdoor, nature, mountainDescription automatically generatedA group of tents on a grassy hill by a body of waterDescription automatically generated with low confidence

To see more pages from the whole trip go to the Major trips and Expedition reports tab on the club website or click here…….