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Alps boot camp weekend by John Cooke

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A person kayaking on a river Description automatically generated with low confidence

Alps boot camp weekend by John Cooke

Well, we certainly had the weather, scorchio!

The weekend began with Harry and myself meeting up on Friday to do a lap of the lower section, nice run down before going to the campsite. People started arriving from late afternoon and we sat around drinking and putting the world to rights.

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Saturday saw others joining us and everyone did the lower section. We had split into three groups and kept meeting up on the way down and then all joined up at the final eddy before the run down to the falls. After a late lunch break back at the campsite, some did a second run of the lower and some went off to do the harder upper section.

Sunday saw a lot more people attempt the upper section; we lapped the upper graveyard repeatedly and this gave those new to the upper a taste of the next level.

It was a great weekend and thanks to everyone who came, there were a few wet ears as to be expected in a large group but well done to everyone that pushed themselves and now have an urge to get back on a river.

I have recruited an informant for the upcoming trip and reports of Wizard suits selling out fast means only one thing!

Photo’s pinched of Andy Broddle.

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A person kayaking on a riverDescription automatically generated with low confidence