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Boat maintenance sessions at the docks Tuesday 4th April

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Boat maintenance sessions at the docks Tuesday 4th April

Many thanks to all the members who turned up to help check, repair and sort the kayaks, canoes and equipment. We managed a tremendous amount today – many hands make short work of any task.  It is amazing what 16 people can do in a couple of hours.

As we move to our official summer opening and general open day on 23rd April, we will gradually go over and sort any boats that may need a little attention. If you use any of the club equipment, please treat it with respect and return everything to its right place ready for the next user. Spray decks need to be hung by their grab loop, boats stored in 3 or 4`s on their side and all paddle stored neatly along with similar paddles on the rack. If you make any adjustments, please ensure all fittings are returned exactly as you found them.

We do need a few more quality plastic hangers for the buoyancy aids and a few wine bottle corks to replace bungs lost from several kayaks over the winter. If you have any to spare, please bring them down and put them in the further yellow trunk at the back of the compound.

As a reminder, we DO NOT SEAL LAUNCH from the compound. All boats need to be fully afloat when you get into them.

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