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Dear All
A reminder that we have the Irwell 2, Wild Water Race Northern Counties Series Regional Race coming up on Sunday 19th March.

All welcome – it’s a great venue and always good racing whatever the level! I if you are planning to come please let me know thanks: Peter Schofield. 07790 494110 email

The course runs through the Burrs Activity Centre Site from just below the weir on the River Irwell at the top through down to below the road bridge to the get-out at the bottom of the site, river left (i.e. on the left hand side of the river looking down-stream). One of the major advantages of the Burrs is a mill stream running alongside and above the River Irwell that allows race participants to paddle back up to the start and to get as many runs in as possible.

ACCESS River Irwell, Burrs Activity Centre, Woodhill Road, Bury, BL8 1DA
The course is available from 0930. Competitors are advised to arrive early and walk the course before getting on to practice. It is also advisable to change after practicing and staying warm between the race briefing and getting on for the start of the race.

0930 – 1100 Free practice on river.
0930 – 1030 Late entries in the car park
1030 Race brief in the car park
1130 First sprint run 1 minute intervals
1230 Second Sprint Run 1 minute intervals

Directly after the second sprint run at approx. 1340 there will be the Club Team Race & open Canadian class all starting at two minute intervals. (We can have a break after the Kayak Team Race for clubs to get back to the start if needed)

1600 (approx.) Prize giving

Best regards
Peter Schofield
Chairman, Wild Water Racing Committee, British Canoeing
Mobile: +447790494110 Email: