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Camping Trip to Ullswater by Diane Rogan

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Camping Trip to Ullswater by Diane Rogan

On the Sunday morning
Most of us departed
Before we even got there
The fun had already started.

John was not impressed
As Diane sang so loud
To lots of Joyful music
He just rolled his eyes and frowned.

Then the sat nav decided
To take us all around the place
Even driving through a farmers field
Hopping out to get the gate.

Eventually we did arrive
With Marty there to greet us.
We worked real hard and pitched our tents.
Whilst he sat there with his feet up 😏

A group of people in a tentDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

Phil he then did turn up
And greeted all of us.
He’d only been there briefly
When he got stuck within the mud.

The guys all tried to help him
Pushing the car with might
As he tried again to reverse
But could not win the fight.

Then Phil did go forward
Before he did go back
This worked real well, with one last push
He managed it at last.

Jackie then shortly turned up
And we all went for a walk
The ladies they skipped happily
As the men just strolled and talked.

Then there it was, a tree swing
That swung out across the lake
We looked at it then most of us
Thought “that don’t look too safe”

But Jackie she was brave, or mad
As on the swing she hopped
We told her “you’ll be wet and cold
If in the lake you plop”

Yet off she went and swung right out
Full of Joy and laughter
Phil he helped to push her high
And pull her back there after.

Then off we went back to the camp
Where Jackie built the fire
And John he cooked the hotdogs
Whilst Diane sat there and mithered.

A group of people sitting around a fireDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

Soon the temperatures would drop
It was so bloody cold
As we tried to warm us all up
By the fire with no aboad.

So then we all decended
To wrap up in tents and vans
The coldness was so bitter
Upon our toes and hands.

Yet, we woke up the next morning
And as the day went by
The sun it would shine brighter
Bringing warmth and bright blue skys.

Jackie got the frisbee out
For Jonathan to catch.
As he tried, he lent too far
His chair falling with a splat.

Then after all the giggles
We got on our boats and boards
Paddling up the lake we went
With stunning views ashore

The sea kayakers went ahead
Almost reached the other side
Of the lake, as some of us
Would stop and then unwind.

A person in a kayakDescription automatically generated with low confidence

We found a little picnic spot
And had some snacks and drinks
Then soon we were in for a shock
When a couple stopped to swim.

The guy, he quickly warned us
Before he dropped his pants
His butt was there for all to see
And not just a quick glance 😯

We all had a good giggle
Then back on the lake we went
But John in his true fashion
Soon fell to his descent

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As he splashed, Phil came in.
And as he tried to help
He bumped poor John in the head.
Who soon did start to yelp.

But soon John stopped his whingeing
And back on his board he got
Complaining Jackie did not help.
Too busy taking photo shots 😂

Despite this little hiccup
We made it back to camp
Feeling quite exhausted
With our feet back on dry land.

The next day was much more relaxed
Most went for a short paddle
Though Diane chose to take a nap
Instead of joining all the rabble.

When they got back they had some fun.
Jackie trying out John’s board
Though later John was mortified
When seeing the scratches scored.

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Not that he blamed Jackie.
He blamed Ian for this end
For Ian did not warn him
Instead letting him descend.

Descend under the jetty
And on the wooden pole
Causing them few scratches
That did rip him of his soul.

Not that he was bitter.
Only mentioned several times 😏
Good job we know he’s joking
Liking to up us wind.

People in kayaks on a riverDescription automatically generated with low confidence

Allan and Jackie went for a hike
To see the circle stones
Impressed they weren’t
To see the stone size
So back they came, and moaned 😉

We all then had some banter
And the laughter did commence
John had gone all giddy
Joking at our expense.

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But we were not offended
We laughed along and played
What a brilliant end this was
To our final day.

For the next day we departed
Saying goodbye to our mates
Excited bout the next trip
And the fun bound to take place.

Diane Rogan

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