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Chester Weir or “a day at the Weird”

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Chester Weir or “a day at the Weird”

The Junior club paddle to Sandy Lane was arranged for Sunday 12th August. We met at the compound and loaded up the kayaks and gear and headed through the tunnel towards Chester. Once at the Sandy Lane car park we met a few others and got changed and onto the water. We paddled down past some large houses with their own boat house and moorings. Chester Canoe Club was on the right while Deva Canoe Cub was on the left. We spotted a Heron on the river bank. Ella kept asking how far it was to the “weird”

Once at the town centre we went over to the edge of the weir. It was about 150m wide with a small amount of water going over it. There were a series of steps on the left (Fish ladder). We slide over one at a time and headed down to the bottom where we practised some ferry gliding and breaking in.

We carried back up the middle of the weir and shot it 4 times. Then the tide came in and gave us a lift back up each step and eventually swept us back to Sandy Lane.

More Photos……..