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Club Expedition to Skye 2020 Day 12 (Wednesday) 19th August – Camas na Geadaig (Scalpay) to Balmacara

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Club Expedition to Skye 2020
“Team Alaska go on a Skye #staycation!”

Day 12 (Wednesday) 19th August – Camas na Geadaig (Scalpay) to Balmacara

We were up and the forecast was for gale force winds coming in that night slightly ahead of schedule. It was a midge-tastic morning, so we raced onto the water in our head nets and quickly paddled offshore in hope of some wind – nothing! Once we had out paddled the midges we made a plan. There was a fog bank over the Crowlin Islands, it wasn’t that thick but with no wind it might not have been moving soon.

We went with plan B to make sure we were safely off the water and not caught out crossing the sound in fog or high winds if they came in early. Getting storm bound for a couple of days only an hour from the cars wouldn’t have been much fun. We did 17.6 miles round the tree lined west and south of Scalpay and over to Pabay for a bite to eat before heading through the bridge back to the cars.

The heat of the day increased, the fog lifted and atmospheric clouds were left hanging round the mountain tops. As we went under Skye bridge Jenny was melting in her midge safety suit (cool weather paddling kit). Just passed the jetty on the Skye side was a massive sand crab and another castle. We crossed back to the Scottish mainland – no naked Yoga man this time – then got to the cars at low water. Vic went for 10 victory rolls and we started to carry the kit over the seaweeds and rocks to the cars.

Ian and Keith set off for home ahead of the wind while Vic, Chris and Jenny stopped for lunch by the sea in the sun. They were going to stop overnight rather than heading straight home. Vic headed to Dalwhinnie to consider paddling Loch Ericht if the weather wasn’t too bad. Chris and Jen went to the north coast of Skye. That night the wind picked up at 1:30am and howled all the next day – it was definitely a good decision to get off the water when we did and finish as we started, paddling in perfect conditions! All got home with no news of roof racks flying off cars in the strong wind. Now to look forward to the next adventure.

Jenny Brown     More Photos……….