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France Day 11 Monday Ubaye Race Course by Sara B

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A person kayaking through a river Description automatically generated

2023 LCC Alpine Paddling Holiday

Day 11 Monday Ubaye Race Course by Sara B

The six of us who had relocated to Le Bois des Hoches campsite by the racecourse, began our day with a relaxed start. We headed to the get-on at Le Martinet where we were joined by Sarah, who had come over to join us on the river, and Helen who on seeing the low levels was wishing she had brought her boat.

After organising the shuttles, we embarked on the classic section. The racecourse is mostly grade 3/3+ interspersed with a few grade 4 rapids which can be quite pushy earlier in the season but the lower water volume at this time of year made it relatively straightforward, albeit with some additional rocks to navigate.

A person in a kayak in a riverDescription automatically generated
Sarah on one of the many rapids on the race course

Our run went off without a hitch, pausing to enjoy a few play waves and for some a jump or somersault off a big rock into the river. The Sharks Fin rapid towards the end of the section was a chance to practice some eddy hopping. We soon came to our campsite, encountering Helen on the riverbank who kindly offered to drive to the end to help with the shuttle, as we’d opted to continue to the usual end of the river for the first-timers to see the final few rapids and the spectacular gorge that marks the end of the racecourse.

A person in a riverDescription automatically generated
Mike on the last rapid before the Roman Bridge

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