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LCC Santa Dash / Santa Splash Paddle Sunday 4th December by Amy Newnham

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LCC Santa Dash / Santa Splash Paddle Sunday 4th December

And so the festivities begin….

The intrepid paddlers met at the compound to decorate their boats and wear festive hats. The main group set off, with the junior paddlers with Jim.

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We docked at the Canal and River Trust pontoon where plenty of Santa’s were enjoying themselves, having a go at paddling rafted-up canoes. We enjoyed the warming hot chocolate and mince pies provided by the CRT and Clara’s box of chocolates, all much needed on this chilly morning!

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We chatted with the Water Rescue team and the Dragon Boat Santa’s who came to join us. To keep warm, we got back on the water for a paddle around the Albert Dock, before heading back to the compound.

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A very enjoyable paddle, great to meet new people and chat to other dock users. Thank you to everyone involved!

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