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River Dee, Farndon Bridge to Sandy Lane by Allan Blanchard

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River Dee, Farndon Bridge to Sandy Lane 26th Feb by Allan Blanchard (led by Alan Peachment, John & Marty).

The 9 of us made the trip to Farndon bridge to offload our boats and then shuttled our cars to Sandy Lane.  We managed to be on the water for 1030.

We thought that one of us, John or I, may have gone for an early swim due to the low water levels but we all managed to stay dry and soon we were off down the river.

A group of people paddle kayaks under a bridgeDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

The river was very low, but it was a peaceful morning, and the river was not as fast flowing as we thought it may have been. But the riverbanks did look like they had been underwater in the last couple of weeks. Due to water levels, it took us some time to find a lunch spot as the rains/high water had washed away ‘known beach’ spots. We finished up having a late lunch a little way down the river from the Aldford River Bridge.

Lady Diana came to give us a passing visit and the booze cruisers on board seemed to be enjoying themselves.

A group of people outsideDescription automatically generated with low confidence

Jacki practised her splashing technique for most of the paddle, but Phil hadn’t shown up to ensure she was doing it correctly. So, she didn’t manage to get anyone wet apart from herself.

Jackie and Diane ended the day by entertaining us with their childish antics at the kids play park at Sandy Lane.

Another great day with great company and a paddle enjoyed by all, away from the Docks.

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