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Saturday 17th February – River Lune (grade 2/3) – White Water Kayak

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Saturday 17th February – River Lune (grade 2/3) – White Water Kayak

Three of us met at services on the M6 and decided on the River Lune from Beck Foot down to Kirkby Lonsdale, taking in 2 sections from the guides. River levels were looking a little low but not too bad. We put all the boats on one car, left one car at the get out and drove up the get on, where we were greeted by a group from Llangollen getting ready to paddle.

Despite them being ready before us, we managed to get away ahead of them and we didn’t see them again for the rest of the day. We passed a couple of other guys half way but otherwise had the river to ourselves.

The levels made for quite a nice easy day, the series of mini gorges that make up this stretch of the river were bouncy and fun, and pretty as ever. The strid looked longer than usual and the first drop into it, went straight into a hole, with arguably a 50/50 chance of you getting through upright. Martin and Stuart both succeeded. I decided my boat was too short for that hole and it would just be asking for trouble!

Passing the first get out we portaged the 2 weirs that follow. There was then a little more fun to be had before we reached the confluence with the Rawthey (the get on for the lower section). 

The Rawthey was looking very low and we certainly noticed the difference in water level on this section of the river. At this level it was mostly just riffles but at least we were getting a work out! Eventually we began to see the signs that we were nearing the end. The final rapid leading into Kirkby Lonsdale is usually a series of big almost river wide waves and stoppers. Today it consisted of one rocky ledge and a few small waves. Oh well.

Nevertheless, we enjoyed a good day and a good work out!

Paddlers: Stuart Toulson, Martin Aldridge, Nikki Aldridge