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2023 LCC Celtic Sea Kayaking Trip Day 10 Monday – Surprise Cove to Ardgroom Harbour by Catriona

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A person in a kayak in the ocean Description automatically generated

Day 10 Monday – Kenmore River Surprise Cove with the swing to Rowing Club and then Ardgroom Harbour (spit) by Catriona

Luckily, we didn’t have any rain overnight, as some of us had camped in a bog, indicated by the presence of the carnivorous plant, butterwort. We woke up to a still day which meant the midges were out in force and we packed quickly (not necessarily efficiently) to escape to the water and freedom from the wee beasties. I need a pet bat, apparently, they can eat 2000 midges a night, well ok I need several pet bats, or maybe we needed to cover any bare skin in butterwort plants.

People standing on a rocky shoreDescription automatically generated

We paddled close to the rocky north shore, which was getting more impressive as we headed towards the mouth of Kenmare Bay, until we reached a small sandy beach near Cove Harbour, and we had our first elevenses of the day.

The next bit was quite exciting, as we made the 6km crossing to the south side of Kenmare Bay. There was lots of quite big side on swell and as we approached Bridaun Island near the end of the crossing there were lots of breaking waves. Ian led us through a gap in the waves I didn’t think existed, and as we rounded the island, we picked up the following sea. I would say the waves were huge, but I suspect the editor might decide trip conditions need some reality.

We paddled down the south side of the Island alongside the most impressive cliffs, caves, and scenery we had had all week.

A person in a kayak in the oceanDescription automatically generated

It was sometime before we found a suitable place to stop for second elevenses. Then some irresponsible person put me in charge for the rest of the day. I got a lot of advice 😊! The sea state lessened as we paddle further in land and after lots more caves, arches, tunnels and cliffs we rounded Dog’s Point to Cus spit, where we ptiched for a comfortable but dreich night.

A group of tents in a grassy areaDescription automatically generated

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