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Sea Kayak Leader Skills Day 1 of 6 by Dave Gentle

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A group of people in kayaks in the water Description automatically generated

Sea Kayak Leader Skills Day 1 of 6 by Dave Gentle

We met at Rhos and had a group discussion on the beach about the detail of leading sea trips.

Miles led the first section of the day well, to a co-ordinate, arriving at the beach by Victoria Pier after an interesting surf landing for a mini-break.

We all swapped paddles and Eamon led the next section to a new co-ordinate whilst answering a variety of questions about sea kayak leading whilst using the handrailing and side transit techniques.

A large rock formation in the waterDescription automatically generated

Christine took over the leading into rougher waters and off to a coordinate by a breakwater with a green end-of- groyne marker. Everyone did as they were asked. Christine also did well in her Q&A session as she led the trip.

A person in a kayakDescription automatically generated

We took a break on a beach, swapped paddles around the group, swapped leader to Andy, and then headed off around the headland into bigger waves as the breeze picked up.

A group of people in kayaks in the waterDescription automatically generated

After the third break on a dumping surf beach needing a well-managed launch back out to sea, the group performed many rescue scenarios. All went well and we swam with the seals. Everyone was surprised at how the time had flown.

A group of people carrying kayaks on a beachDescription automatically generated

We headed back and stopped off again at a beach for our final break, getting back at 18:30, everyone was pleased with the trip, their experiences and information learned or revised as the day progressed, which seemed a success.

A great effort by all.

We were to have a debrief at the local golf course club, but it was too busy, so on the way home we had a chippy tea from Jas’s at Towyn

Dave & Fiona

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