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Anglesey Weekend #3 – Friday by John Cooke (Foxy News)

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Anglesey Weekend #3 – Friday by John Cooke (Foxy News)

The Liverpool Canoe Club Anglesey trip was booked for the weekend but the Welsh wizard and I had booked an extra night in the hostel at Anglesey Outdoors. Keith was joining us the next morning and we had a plan.

I knew the way to the meeting point, but Kirk knew a quicker route, after two laps of Holyhead and no sign of the sea we went back to my route, by now Keith had managed to get from Formby and was waiting for us to travel the 3 miles we had to do.

The plan was to launch at Porth Dafarch and just head towards North stack, it didn’t matter how far we got. Flat sea and wind predicted at 2/4 mph. We set off and the tide was with us, we did a few open bay crossings much to my disgust but then we started to hug the shoreline and dip in and out of the caves as we went, there was some discussion along the way about what the sea was actually doing, it’s still flooding, now it’s stopped, is it ebbing? such wizardry, anyway by now we were approaching South stack and even I knew the sea had turned as it was piling through under the bridge. The wind had also picked up coming down through the stacks and was a lot more than 2/4 mph. We managed to get through but then decided it would be pointless paddling against it just to go to North stack so we turned and found a lovely little beach to have lunch. (Elevenses)

After lunch it was more of the same, visiting caves, chatting as we went, and we then went to find the hidden cave before landing back at Dafarch.

It was one of the best days I’ve had on the sea, it was nothing special in terms of difficulty or where we went but just everything coming together so thanks to Keith and Kirk for a top day out.

Back at Anglesey Outdoors and the rest of the group started to arrive, and the Paddler’s return was open with cold fizzy beer on tap, what could possibly go wrong?

More Photos of the weekend…………

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A rocky beach with a body of water in the backgroundDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

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A picture containing water, outdoor, nature, caveDescription automatically generated