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Anglesey Weekend #3 – Saturday Rhosneirgr to Bwa Gwyn (White Arch) by John Cooke (Foxy News)

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Anglesey Weekend #3 – Saturday Rhosneirgr to Bwa Gwyn (White Arch) by John Cooke (Foxy News)

Fantastic paddle and a PB for me!

Friday evening was spent in the Paddlers Return enjoying a few snifters of the fizzy lager, as with each sea trip the planning took over, maps appeared out of thin air, is it windy, is it the right sort of wind, there is no wind.

Inner Lagoon - a great lunch stop
Inner Lagoon – a great lunch stop and ideal secret swimming location

After probably more snifters than we should have had it was time to go, we knew roughly what the plan was so all good. Saturday morning and we were late but managed to catch up at the put-in at Rhosneigr. We headed out as a group of five en route to Trearddur Bay, straight out past the beacon and turn right. We headed for the caves and on this section, there was a lot more rock hopping to be done so I was a happy bunny, in and out of caves, winding round the rocks and we were not far off Trearddur when we went through a passage in the rocks which opened up on to a lagoon type area, even Keith had not been here and it may only be possible at high tide.

It was time for elevenses even though it was nearer to twelveses!

After a bite to eat Keith went for a swim while we all sat on the grass soaking up the rays.

Back in the boats and the tide had turned so off we headed for home, in and out some more caves and more hopping and I soon spotted the beacon we had passed on the way out. After a slight incident at Silver bay (what happens in Silver bay stays in Silver bay), we were soon back in Rhosneigr.

It was time for some rescue practice; Keith demonstrated the nose, heel, toe, bend like you’re a snake method. Now it was my turn! keep your nose on the back hatch flip your left leg in keeping a low centre of gravity, flip your right leg in, nose on the hatch! So now my nose is on the hatch feet in the cockpit and my bum stuck up in the air. Now spin round fast and listen to all your vertebrae crack as you do it, slide your feet in, done, Tada.

Back at the centre and the Paddlers Return was already calling, after having a good evening and back in the centre it was time for a coffee before bed, I actually managed to fall asleep on the sofa holding my coffee and woke up at 04-18 still holding it and not spilt a drop! Over 4 hours that’s a PB for me!

I did not paddle on Sunday as back in work so when I got home, I decided to practice the new rescue technique, if you fancy doing this yourself a top tip is to super glue your nose on the rear hatch, this will keep you in the right position throughout the session. After a few attempts I asked the present Mrs C to grab my ankles and just pull, problem was the hatch cover came away so now I’m walking round like a duck-billed platypus! Mrs C thinks hot water may soften the glue so she’s nipped in to put the kettle on.

Don’t try this at home kids !

More Photos of the weekend…………

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A yellow kayak on the waterDescription automatically generated with low confidence

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