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Bridgewater Canal 18th March by Diane Rogan

A person in a kayak in a river with a bridge in the background Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Bridgewater Canal 18th March by Diane Rogan

Phil and Jackie got there first
They stood there hanging round.
And thanks to Diane’s sat nav skills
The other 2 could not be found.

Eventually Diane and John arrived
With John all flustered.
He said “Don’t let Diane direct.
Her guidance can’t be trusted”

Then on the water we did get
Upon our boards and boats
Laughing at each other….
And Diane’s cheesy Jokes.

A couple of people on paddle boards in a river under a bridgeDescription automatically generated with low confidence

The weather was so glorious
As the sun did shine
Feeling like a summers day
With warmness for some time.

As we moved towards the tunnel
And admired the views and sounds
We’d laugh and chat and have some fun
And search for things abound

Jackie found a fishing net
And some fishing lures
Then Phil he found some tennis balls
Throwing them at all of us.

We made it to the tunnel
Where we stopped to have some lunch
We’d laugh and chat and share some treats.
As on our food we’d munch.

Then as we started to head back
The rain it did soon come.
We all did get pretty wet
But still had lots of fun.

A person in a kayakDescription automatically generated with low confidence

As we made our way back to the start
A guy asked for a hand
To pick up all the rubbish
From the canal banks.

So we all then assisted
Passing him the waste
Then on our way, we carried on
Paddling at our own pace.

We got back to the car park
And  time had gone so swift
With all the fun and joy we had
We felt it went too quick.

Yet, with lots of joy and banter
With our paddling pals.
The day was grand. We had such fun
On Bridgewater Canal.

Click for more photos……

A person in a kayak in a river with a bridge in the backgroundDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

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