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LCC Rolling Competition Round 7 Thursday 22nd December

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LCC Rolling Competition Round 7 Thursday 22nd December

This was the final round of the annual rolling competition. Paddlers had 30 seconds to do as many full 360-degree rotations as possible either with the paddle, side of the pool or with their hands.

Congratulations to Harvey for his incredible 14 paddle rolls especially as it was in a C1. Poppy manged a spectacular 12 bar rolls blowing away the opposition and to Callum, for his impressive 15 hand rolls, all with a last minute entry.

Paddle Rolls:No.Side or Bank Rolls:No.Hand Rolls:No.
Keith S10Keith S10Harvey H5
Stuart C5Harvey H9Richard C14
Paul H10Paul H7Poppy C13
Harvey H14John G9Ollie G9
Dave A9Laura G10Andy R14
Dan S7Mike P9Callum C15
Richard C9Adrian O9
Sara B9Ollie G11
Adrian O10Poppy C12
Keith B8Marcus S5
Elliot B11Alice C7
Ollie G11Joshua A4
Poppy C11Jessica G8
Steve A10
Andy R9

If you would like to learn to roll or polish-up on your technique, why not make a new year’s resolution to pop down to the pool at least once a month next year.

A group of people in kayaks in a poolDescription automatically generated with low confidence