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The Third Club Christmas Paddle on Christmas Eve

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The Third Club Christmas Paddle on Christmas Eve

The third Christmas paddle finally got underway on Christmas Eve, 24th December. The previous week was postponed due to strong winds, freezing temperatures and a wind chill of minus 6 degrees Celsius.

We turned up at the docks, selected a boat for the paddle and chatted in the morning sunshine. It was a bright day with little or no wind. We paddle up towards Dukes Dock to visit the “wheel” and then round into Albert Dock to the amazement of the few shoppers and visitors. A brief paddle through to Canning Half-tide Dock and then back to the carousel that was playing Christmas music.

We failed to eat all the festive chocolates and minced pies, but many had warm drinks. We chatted about everything and nothing very much in particular but it was just good to be out in the sunshine. Lindsey, a club member, spotted us while shopping and popped down to the slipway to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

While there were many well-decorated boats and people, the winning costume has to go to Craig E in his naughty Elf suit, followed closely by Nadia F.

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Looking forward to a very happy new year of paddling for all.

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A group of people in kayaks in a river with buildings in the backgroundDescription automatically generated with low confidence