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River Severn Trip by Carl Leungs

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A group of people in kayaks on a river Description automatically generated with medium confidence

River Severn Trip by Carl Leungs

7 members of the club including one member from Wolverhampton made the effort to paddle the 12 miles flat moving water stretch of the river Severn everyone arrived at the agreed time of 9 am after unloading the boat and getting dressed ready to paddle we did the short shuttle to Frankwell car park.

A group of people in kayaks on a riverDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

A group of people in kayaksDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

A kayak on a riverDescription automatically generated with low confidence

SJust as we were ready to get on the water it decided to rain that did not last long with the water level we glide toward the lunch stop then we set off again for Shrewsbury which did not take long to arrive as it was early we decided to paddle around the town centre for another hour before getting all in all it was a nice day.