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River Tees WW Weekend by John Cooke

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Kayaking and gymnastics.

Last weekend saw Liverpool canoe club back up in Teeside staying at Langdon Beck. It has been a while since we were last here and good to get back.

The weather was typical for the time of year, dark, dull and miserable but wet which is always good when kayaking.

People arrived on Friday evening and the group stayed in the hostel, we made a plan to run Low force on Saturday as the Tyne tour was on as well this weekend and it would be busy on the Sunday as they all headed home.

Mark trying to boof Low Force

We had 19 in the group and that included a few who had not paddled this section and some that had not paddled any of the Tees sections before.

We made our way down the river in 3 groups but joined up at the first major feature, Dog leg.

Those that ran it had varying degrees of success so well done to everyone for trying, it was then time to go down to Low force, another intimidating feature, and most people’s first proper fall. Again, well done to everyone that had a go!

At the takeout is the bridge that a few in the group, new to the river, carried out the tradition of jumping off. It seemed to be all the younger one’s first, so it was time to show the kids how it’s done.

A group of people in kayaks on a riverDescription automatically generated with medium confidence
One of the groups on the first drop

Does anyone remember my mate Olga Williams from a few years ago, so with a bit of banter and persuasion I had him up for the job? Rescue Ranger went with Olga and was going to try and emulate the master, I think once on the bridge and seeing the master at work he decided to just jump and not try the backflip.

Step up Harry!

These young guns just don’t realise the years of training Olga has, an athlete that has trained for years to get to this level. Anyway, you just can’t tell them. Harry was not to be outdone so stepped up to the mark. See the video for the result.

Sara loving Abbey Rapids

Saturday evening and the group walk down to the nearest pub for a meal and a few scoops, then back to the hostel for more chit-chat and socialising.

Sunday and we were out on the Barnard castle to Winston section of the River Tees, a nice scenic paddle with a few features including Abbey rapids. All safely down again and it was time to leave the Tees and head home. Some stopped off for coffee and cake while others headed home.

Richard shooting the awkward ledge

It was a great club weekend and thanks to everyone that came.

See you at the next one.

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