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Shetland Islands Day Five, 15th June North Roe by Sheena Davies

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Shetland Islands Day Five, 15th June North Roe by Sheena Davies

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On Wednesday 15th June, Phil, Roger, Ian, Andy, Julian, Becca, Catriona and I set off from the little pier at North Roe to explore the coast between that beach and the Neap of Skea. There was a pleasant breeze, and we were able to do some rock hopping, cave exploring and bird watching.

We had lunch on a beach near the Stack of the Rettuvie before rounding the Neap of Skea (a rock!) and heading back. We watched a huge oil ship sailing through Yell Sound from Sullom Voe.

A thoroughly good paddle from 10.30am until 3pm. Thank you everyone. I had a wonderful swim in the sea back at the pier but could not tempt anyone to join me!

Sheena Davies

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A group of people in kayaks in a riverDescription automatically generated with low confidence
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