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Sundays paddle on the river Dee by Chris Marsden

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A group of people in kayaks on a river Description automatically generated

Sundays paddle on the river Dee by Chris Marsden

I was a little late getting an email out for a paddle I was planning on doing on last Sunday So I wasn’t expecting much of a response.

How wrong I was!

With the weather being so good, it seemed that people were keen to get out.

Seven of us set out but we were joined by Roy and Nathan as we saw them paddling down as we were having a play at Chainbridge.

We were making the most of the brilliant weather and warm water but soon headed off to run Serpents Tail. It was a great level with few rocks exposed and not too much water so we could try stuff out.

Most of us had at least 2 runs.

Below Serpents it turned into a tailey jam with Harry, Ben and Nathan showing us how it’s done.

Even I had a go at doing some taileys with variable success.

A person swimming in a riverDescription automatically generated

We travelled down to the broken weir were a tribute has been laid to our lost brother Bren. We stopped and gathered our thoughts remembering what a great guy he was.

A book on a rocky surface with flowers and rocksDescription automatically generated

We idled down to the train viaduct where more Taileys were practiced and then onto the mill where we all had a good play and surf on the bottom wave.

All in all, I think everyone had a good day. I certainly did and I’m looking forward to the next one.

Chris Marsden

A person in a kayak in a riverDescription automatically generated
A group of people kayaking in a riverDescription automatically generated
People kayaking in a riverDescription automatically generated
A person in a kayak in the waterDescription automatically generated