Winners of round one of the annual Christmas rolling competition. There is one more session at Kingsway Leisure Centre before Christmas (23rd December 2021).
You can book a place at the pool by going to our pool page on the website……..
New simpler format this year.
- You can only enter the next category once you have registered a score in the previous. Eg start with Poolside or kayak bow rolls (X-rescues) and then work up to Paddle rolls / hand rolls.
- 30 seconds to complete as many full 360-degree rolls as you can.
- A full roll is counted when you return back to starting position with head or shoulders and boat perpendicular (at 90°) with the water. (Head or body can be lying on the back of the boat).
- These can be performed at an outside venue or at a pool session. You will need video evidence or a named referee to verify if away from the pool.