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Christmas Docks Paddle Sunday 19th December 10:00am

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A picture containing colorful Description automatically generated

A picture containing colorfulDescription automatically generatedChristmas Docks Paddle Sunday 19th December 10:00am

Please bring a costume or decorate your boat with tree or some Christmas tinsel.

This is for paddlers who have paddled with the club before (Or very experienced paddlers joining the club for their first paddle).

Check our booking site to see if there are any places left….  You will need to use your LCC username and password

All places MUST be pre-booked here and you will be allocated to a suitable group – Novice / Improvers / Advanced. If you are an experienced paddler capable of leading a group on the water please use the booking form below to indicate your availability (We will release more places if more group leaders sign up so check back regularly if it is full).

Please follow all Covid 19 club guidelines and collect any paddling equipment quickly and carry it to your group number and wait for your coach or leader.

Click for more information and full map……..