Part one of an LCC double weekender – Pembrokeshire by Frankie A

With the possibility of rain in the afternoon, the trip plan was to head from Porthgain to Abercastle doing a 2 way trip with the option of booking a table for dinner at the Sloop Inn in Porthgain. The harbour was originally built to transport stone from the old works, whose remains overlook the harbour. Car shares organised the instructions were to leave the campsite by 9 to ensure we could park as the harbour gets busy, with sea kayakers, walkers and art lovers visiting the galleries selling local art. The groups of Saturday were mixed up so that people got the opportunity to paddle with different folk. So for Sunday Martin and Neil were the group leaders, there was no fast group, but then it was Sunday. Off we went exploring the coast line round to Abercastle, more caves and rock hopping, waterfalls and arches plus lots of opportunity to get to know each other a bit better and share words of wisdom and advice about paddling.

There may have been an elevenses stop I can’t remember (note to self, do the write up immediately after the weekend) We headed around Ynys Deullyn where overfalls can be found and had to slog towards Abercastle into the wind which had definitely picked up. The other group were spotted on a rocky beach just before the harbour. Here it was decided with the wind increasing and the tide turning we should have a short break and make sure we could progress back around Ynys Deullyn. A quick lunch break with just enough time to share lemon drizzle cake (made with lemons from my sisters lemon tree in Spain) with all and then we were back on the water for the return to Abercastle.
As the sea conditions had changed, there were some more challenging rock hopping opportunities for those with the skill and nerve to attempt them – not me then. As forecast the rain began and the approach changed to let’s just get back to Porthgain for our group at least. The carry back to the car with the boats completed, a quick change of clothes and we decamped to the pub, the coffee shop and even for a walk. Nikki had booked us a table at a the Sloop where we congregated to eat and further enjoy each other’s company. Due to failure of modern technology, the pub’s payment system was down, alas this didn’t mean a free meal but it did require some organising for those of us who don’t carry cash around anymore. Then it was back to campsite to see out the evening sitting finishing the cake with a brew or a beer in the barn or was it a cow shed back at the campsite.
Frankie A