Key Points:- Everyone still needs to pre-book the paddle to control numbers.
- Face coverings around the car park and compound are now optional.
- Social distancing should be observed by all. 2m (one paddle length) is a long way!!!! and if you approach closer you should mitigate against the risks.
- We will continue with the named on the water leader for each and every group concept, as this is believed to have greatly developed paddling within the club over the past 12 months.
- Rule of six goes to be replaced by normal British Canoeing group sizes and ratios. These are absolute maximums and if conditions / paddlers and leaders experience demand, groups sizes could and should be smaller than this.
- Maximum for the docks (Sheltered water) is 1:8 (1:12 for tandem / crewed boats).
- Maximum for moderate water is 1:6
- Maximum for advanced water is 1:4
- Two groups can paddle near or next to one another on the water but social distancing should still be observed by all.
Every paddler needs to be pre-booked with the coordinator or through our booking site. Paddles are notified through the club`s Google Group and also placed on the clubs calendar. All paddling takes place in separate, small groups with a nominated leader. We follow all National and Local guidance and adhere to the British Canoeing guidelines for paddlesports. Latest Guidance: - Please stay away if you have any symptoms or are self-isolating.
- Maintain social distancing at all times (2m or a paddle length). Please leave the site asap after the paddle to reduce congestion.
- Please use hand sanitiser before and after paddling.
- If more than one group is at the compound please quickly select your equipment and move it to your group number or away from the front of the compound.
The club is currently in Stage 4, where most paddles at the docks are using club equipment. 
Stage 4 –”Docks Sessions” are allowed and may have several distinct and separate groups paddling at the same time. This contrasts with A “Docks Paddle” which consists of a single group. In both cases all paddlers will be pre-booked. A full Covid-19 risk assessment will need to be consulted. LCC Covid-19 Risk Assessment
British Canoeing Structured and Organised Paddling Activity Plan 29th March 202 (Updated 14th May)
British Canoeing Guidance for Team Sports – Canoe Polo Plan 29th March 2021 (Teams of 6 can play against each other) The club has agreed the following protocols from 17th May 2021: - If you have any symptoms of Coronavirus, please stay at home and self-isolate.
- All paddling will be in pre-booked groups following current BC guidelines on group size and ratios. The absolute maximum for the docks is 1:8 (1:12 for tandem / crewed boats). Absolute maximum for moderate water is 1:6 and for advanced water is 1:4. Canoe Polo sessions will run under British Canoeing guidance notes and risk assessments with full social distancing.
- All Club Paddles should be on the calendar and advertised to all in the club. Please avoid forming clique groups during this time to ensure fair access for all.
- Each group will have a named leader who will be responsible for organising the paddlers both on and off the water. Sheltered Water Leaders and Coaches
- A Docks supervisor (key holder) can organise a Docks Session and ask for it to be put on the calendar. (Please email details to
) This is where they will open the compound at the start and end of the session and allow sheltered water leaders and their pre-booked groups to access the boats. Each leader is responsible for coordinating and supervising their group including asking if the docks supervisor has room for their paddle. When advertising a paddle please give details of specific craft or purpose (eg Stand Up Paddle Board paddle for 6, Open Boats paddling or “General purpose easy paddle” etc) - All paddlers should use their own hand sanitiser before, during and after each paddle.
- The changing sheds should not be used – They will remain locked.
- Members should be encouraged to select the correct equipment without trying multiple sets.
- The club will supply antibacterial spray for use on the padlocks etc
- People can help carry longer kayaks and still main 2 metres, but they should be encouraged to always use the same pairs carrying the same ends when getting off the water.
- Paddlers should not pass anything to others eg a camera etc
Sheltered Water Leaders and coaches Guidelines for club Paddles and Trips Template for google group email advertising a club trip…… If you have an idea for a paddle, would like help or advice to organise it, please email 
All paddlers MUST be pre-booked with a leader and these details kept for a minimum of 21 days to aid track and trace. FAQ – Club promoted trips. What are the current guidelines: Social distancing must take place at all times along with frequent hand washing or hand sanitising. How do I organise a club paddle: Contact to add the trip to the calendar. Brief details are then sent around by google group email – Members are then free to reply confirming they would like to take part and give brief details of experience etc if not known to organiser. Coordinator then confirms place (or not) on the trip and time / meeting place etc What if someone brings a friend without confirming with the organiser meaning the group is now larger than the maximum recommended by British Canoeing for the qualification and environment – both will be asked to go home and not paddle with the rest of the group. What if I do not have my own equipment – Most dock paddles are advertised as allowing members to borrow club equipment. Can the trip be A to B with a car shuttle – Social distancing guidelines say car sharing is allowed with mitigation from 17th May 2021
The government has issued advice if you need to car share…… What if a paddler drops out – this may result in others being turned away and should not happen – only reply to an email about a trip if you are 100% certain you can make the paddle |