Googlegroup Emails and Messaging
The Club uses the Google Groups Email Messaging System as the main communication method for its members.
The Liverpool Canoe Club Googlegroup (email and web forum) is the main method of communication between members. This is for club information, newsletter articles and reports, for sale items, trips and coaching courses within Liverpool Canoe Club.

Members are automatically signed up as part of the membership process. You can reduce the frequency or opt out of information emails at any time. To do this, simply send a brief request to asking to reduce the number of emails or opt out of the group.
Liverpool Canoe Club Google Group Forum
Prefer to view googlegroup as a forum? Click here……
If you are having problems joining or want to unsubscribe yourself please contact us This is especially important if you change your email address as your new email will have to be manually changed in GoogleMail, once you have updated your membership details via this website.