2023 LCC Celtic Sea Kayaking Trip Day 03 Monday – Last day on Lough Oughter by Andy Garland
The day dawned clear and bright, but there was still a stiff northerly breeze. This deterred the midges, but it would provide a tiresome headwind for our journey back to the cars at the Row campsite. However, despite the headwind, the planned distance for the day was relatively short, only about 10km. I therefore persuaded the group to extend the trip slightly by making a circumnavigation of Inishmuck Island. This would add around an extra 4km to our paddle and provide a bit of variety.

The first 500m of this bonus excursion went very well on sheltered water in a bay fringed with pine. The next 500m was equally pleasant, as was the 500m after that. However, we then came to the point where we were meant to pass under a bridge, clearly marked on the map, that linked Inishmuck Island to the mainland. It immediately became obvious that at some point in the past, a nincompoop engineer had misread the design drawings, and instead of building a bridge had constructed a causeway. Honestly, the incompetence of some people is astounding. As we couldn’t paddle over a causeway, and as a portage would be the height of embarrassment, we had no other option but to retrace our steps (or rather paddle strokes).

We were soon back to our starting point (!) and continued south (passing under a bridge that actually existed at Carratraw!, paddling against the wind to Cloughter Castle. Shortly afterwards we made a somewhat awkward landing to access a picnic area to take ‘Elevenses’. While taking a short walk I came across 2 boat ramps which would have made for much easier egress. Unfortunately, we had not seen them from the water as an inept engineer had obviously put them in the wrong place.

Once we were fed and watered, we made the short journey to our vehicles parked at the Row campsite. On the way we once again passed under a bridge that existed. I think that the person who had mistakenly built a causeway to Inishmuck Island must have got such a rollicking that they were very careful not to make the same mistake twice.
It was not long before we were reunited with our vehicles. We were somewhat relieved that they were still on dry ground, as they had been parked close to the water’s edge and we were slightly apprehensive that the lake level would rise while we were away.