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2024 LCC Alpine Paddling Holiday – Day 06 Thursday morning 25th July: Lower Guil by Sue Lowndes

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A person in a kayak in the water Description automatically generated

2024 LCC Alpine Paddling Holiday

Day 06 Thursday morning 25th July: Lower Guil by Sue Lowndes

Lower Guil down to St Clement’s – “the most beautiful and tranquil river out here”.  Although only our third day on the rivers from L’Argentiere the days are already blurring and the obstacles and challenges locked into a deep recession of my brain!  I misinterpreted the word ‘ tranquil ‘ to mean the water would be flatter but “oops” that was a mistake!  Lots of bounce and confused and bubbly water but today was a dry day!  No wet exits for me although poor Colin did come out and in the process banged his middle toe which is now a lovely shade of blue and black with the suggestion that it is quite possibly broken. 

A person in a kayakDescription automatically generated

In very brief moments, I did manage to catch some of the beautiful scenery and the most awesome waterfall, so in many respects yes it was a spectacularly tranquil paddle.  The sun continued to shine with 30° plus heat and the wind wasn’t quite as forceful so made for one less thing to concentrate on.   The waters here are beautiful (and wonderfully cold).  The slalom course on entering St Clements looked big and terrifying but I followed my expert guide and survived it!  A fabulous session on the Durance.  

A person in a kayakDescription automatically generated

Off at St Clement’s and in the lovely bay still had time to practice throw lines out to rescue swimmers.  Everyone had a go at throwing out and being rescued; some loved it more than others (the swimming that is) and it was all we could do to keep Clara from constantly volunteering to be rescued… she’s a fish really.   Oh, and huge apologies to Roy for my throw.  Hope your nose is okay! 

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Lunch, coffee and beer!  Prefect! 

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