2024 LCC Alpine Paddling Holiday
Day 07 Friday morning 26th July: Gyronde by Poppy Clews
It was an early 9 am get-in for 8 keen paddlers running the grade 3+ section that finishes back at the campsite.

The water was fast, and I was a little tense as I’d swam on this section last time I was here.

Not many eddies meant a quick run-down today. We split into 2 groups with Keith and Stuart leading me and Poppy down. Poppy was untroubled by the pace of the current and had smiles on her face all the way down. My face was probably more of grimace, but we all made it down happily.

A weir drop was fun, but we were surprised that the eddy after it, which initially looked welcoming, wanted to pull us back towards the weir. A few strong paddle strokes got us out of trouble, and we were away again.
Next came the confluence with the Durance and soon after all the hydro station water gets put back in to nearly double the flow. We all enjoyed the fast run down through the