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2024 LCC Alpine Paddling Holiday Day 07 Friday morning 26th July: Lower Guil to St Clement`s by Clara Clews

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2024 LCC Alpine Paddling Holiday

Day 07 Friday morning 26th July: Lower Guil to St Clement`s by Clara Clews

At the start I was quite nervous but when we got on the river it was very fun. We did it the day before, but this time we got on part-way down and missed some of the larger waves which was good as I was scared the day before. I enjoyed doing it again.

Whilst we were paddling the scenery was beautiful, we were completely surrounded by hills and mountains and peaks that stuck out of the clouds. 

The day before we went through the confused water and that was quite scary (where two rivers meet). But this time Keith showed me how to go around it and pick another line. 

A group of people in kayaks in a riverDescription automatically generated

When we got to the eddy, I did a roll and then made everyone else do one. This was where I got off but everyone else went down the slalom course. When I got out, I sat on the rocks with Keith’s camera and took some good videos and pictures of people going down and surfing the second wave. 

I enjoyed this paddle very much.

People kayaking in a riverDescription automatically generated
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