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2024 LCC Alpine Paddling Holiday Day 11 Tuesday afternoon 30th July: Upper Durance by Mark Benson

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A person in a kayak Description automatically generated

2024 LCC Alpine Paddling Holiday

Day 11 Tuesday afternoon 30th July: Upper Durance by Mark Benson

The Upper Durance offers a varied, mainly grade II run, to keep our mixed experience group entertained all the way down. Our second visit of 2024 found the river at a slightly lower level but still with a good flow.

A group of people in kayaks on a riverDescription automatically generated

Putting on again from the lay-by opposite the Briançon commercial centre, we progressed through the numerous small rapids on the way to the most significant of the run, grade III-, a little over halfway to the Prelles Barrage.

A group of people kayaking in a riverDescription automatically generated

Everyone managed to follow the river to good effect, manoeuvring around or over the several large boulders that form this drop. From here, the approach to Prelles begins with a natural slalom course of mid-stream boulders and lots of eddies.

A person in a kayak on a rockDescription automatically generated

We took the opportunity for play and some useful practice, before drifting down to the nearby get-out.

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