Alpine Paddling Holiday 2020 | LCC Home Site Map Page last updated | |
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This year’s trip had been affected by the Covid crisis but eventually we decided that we could not take the minibus and trailer and started to cancel these. Instead, some of us opted to drive out in cars as this followed government advice and was obviously much safer for all. In all 8 vehicles made it out with 24 of us in total. These included Craig Ford, Aleksander Ford, Nadezda Ford, Stuart Toulson, Keith Steer, Neil Jones, Kayleigh Campbell, Oscar Kelly, Olesia Polivac, Chris Murphy, Oliver, Charlie, Clare, Steve Hitchen, Sara Gille, Richard Clews, Amy Newnham, Ella, Poppy, Clara, Maria Safar, Steve Gavin, Ellie Gavin, Gabrielle. The annual Alps Holiday has been running every year since 2008.
Day 1 The Durance from the campsite to St Clement
After our eventful 23-hour journey on the cars we finally arrived at the camp site, everyone exhausted we decided to have a nice chilled night. As this was my first-time out to the Alps, my excitement and anxiety started to kick in said Kayleigh.
We started our two-week journey on the Durance which was flowing very quickly. I was very nervous as this was the fastest river I have ever done.
As we drifted down the flowing river the scenery surrounding us was fantastic.
About halfway down we approached a rock cliff on a sweeping bend with a low overhang. Craig suggested that we all take the left-hand channel this year. Keith and Stuart decided to “get up and personal” with the gigantic overhang and checked out the right-hand route.
Soon we made it down to St Clement Slalom Course where we played on the waves and paddled the rapids. We then practiced throw lines rescues and defensive swimming. Kayleigh went first as Aleksander pulled off a perfect throw and rescue. Most managed to perfect their throws and pendulum the victims (casualties) into the eddy below.
Then back to the campsite where everyone relaxed and made food. Eager to get going for the next day.