Anglesey Weekend #4 Sun 1st Oct – Bull Bay to Porth Eilian
HW Liverpool 13:09, HW Amlwch 12:39
Chris, Andy, Christine, Terry, Kirk and Ella
The team assembled outside the Paddlers Bar at 8:30am on Sunday to organise lifts and transport arrangements, and then set off for Bull Bay. On arrival we sorted kit, unloaded the kayaks and prepared for launching. Chris gave us a short briefing, explaining the route and expected timings out to Porth Eilian and back to Bull Bay. We launched about 10am and used the flood tide to assist our paddling as we headed east, exploring the coastline and some of the industrial architecture en-route. Chris pointed out the bromide works which adorn the headland at the east side of Bull Bay and we had a good view of the structures and associated pipework as we paddled close by under the cliffs.

As we neared the headland and passed through the gap between East Mouse and Trwyn Costog the waves picked up and we passed an instructor lead group about to embark on rescue practice, in an exposed situation close to the breaking waves. We continued eastwards in fine but slightly overcast conditions and the water was calmer, and we made the most of the following sea. Chris and Kirk detoured for rock hopping opportunities, with others occasionally joining in. It wasn’t long before we reached the delightful calm bay at Porth Eilian, arriving about 30 mins before high tide just as a departing group of paddlers vacated a convenient landing spot close to the slipway.

Sunday is a busy day for the recreationally minded at Porth Eilian. As well as paddlers we encountered 2 subaqua divers, a large group of local women off for a Sunday swim in the secluded bay, and their various camp followers. We had a leisurely lunch and time to explore the local amenities (several of us needed a comfort break!), but it became obvious summer was now officially over, as the local toilet block was locked and barred for the season.

Suitably rested and refreshed, and with the bay now clear of hazards (swimmers and divers) we set off to have a quick look at the Point Lynas headland. The waters here were quite lively and Chris, appreciating the situation, headed us directly back across the bay to pick up a more sheltered route as we paddled back along the coastline. A final detour was made into the protected harbour of Amlwch Port, where Chris (now our local tour guide!) pointed out the remnants of previous harbour wall structures and explained the different vessels moored there.

Leaving Amlwch Port it wasn’t long before we were back at Bull Bay, arriving around 2:00pm, and loaded kayaks, packed and repacked vehicles and said our fairwells. Thanks go to Chris for leading the group on a very enjoyable paddle (and a continuous supply of jokes!) and to all of the group for their good company on the trip. Another good Anglesey outing left us yearning for more of the same.
Christine Bond