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Club Rules and Guidelines (Code of Conduct)

It is the policy of this Club that all paddlers, volunteers, coaches and parents show respect and understanding for each other and conduct themselves in a way that reflects the principles of the Club.  The aim is for all paddlers to improve performance and have fun. Everyone involved in the Club should abide by the Club Rules and Policies.


  • Take care of all property belonging to the club or club members
  • Treat other club members with respect at all times – on and off the water – treat other paddlers as you would want to be treated yourself
  • Control tempers and avoid behaviour which may affect or upset others
  • Co-operate and listen to your coach, supervisor or club official

Club Officials, Coaches and Volunteers

  • Consider the well-being and safety of all paddlers before the development of performance
  • Develop an appropriate working relationship with paddlers, based on mutual trust and respect
  • Make sure all activities are appropriate to the age, ability and experience of those taking part
  • Display consistently high standards of behaviour and appearance
  • Follow British Canoeing and Club guidelines and policies
  • Encourage paddlers to value their performance and not just their results
  • Never condone the use of prohibitive substances


  • Help your child recognise good performance, not just results
  • Never force your child to take part in sport
  • Never punish or belittle a child for making mistakes
  • Publicly accept Club officials’ judgements
  • Support your child’s involvement and help them to enjoy the sport
  • Use correct and proper language at all times
  • Set a good example by applauding the good performances of all paddlers

General Club Rules and Guidelines
1/ Buoyancy aids or PFDs (Personal Flotation Devices) should be worn by all persons on the water.
2/ Spraydecks should not be used until you are comfortable with them. Neoprene decks need practice at removing.
3/ Novice paddlers (i.e. not gained paddle start) must stay by the concrete slipway unless accompanied by a competent paddler who can perform a deep water rescue efficiently.
4/ Paddlers must be in groups of at least three and all must be able to perform deep water rescues.
This does not apply to 4-star standard paddlers or ranked competitive paddlers using the facilities to train but these will be proficient in self-rescue.
5/ If you use club equipment please put it away tidily after use. Please sponge out boats and help by putting boats neatly back on the racks (in 3 or 4 on their sides). Bouyancy aids MUST be zipped up and hung back on the hangers. Please try and help keep the club premises tidy and safe for all users, try to keep the changing room floor dry.
6/ Please do not go onto floating pontoons, jump in or perform rescues near moored boats and ONLY use the main channel to access the rest of the dock.
7/ Be aware of other watercraft and give them extra room, especially at bridges and moorings. Keep to the right when passing other craft! “WE WILL ALWAYS KEEP CLEAR OF OTHER WATER USERS”.

Junior Members Code of Conduct
1/ Parents can paddle with or watch the juniors but should always be available onsite in case of an emergency (Contact number or be in the Marina)
2/ To be on time for training sessions and participating in events or inform your coach if you know you are going to be late.
3/ Co-operate with and respect all requests and decisions made by the coaches, helpers, officials and administrators.
4/ Control your temper and avoid behaviour which may inconvenience or upset others.
5/ Be considerate and respectful to other paddlers and water users. Treat other paddlers as you would want to be treated yourself.
6/ Wear suitable clothing and kit for paddling as agreed with your coach.
7/ Take care of all property belonging to the club or other club members.
8 Replace all paddles on the rack after use, empty boats of water and put them away, zip buoyancy aids and hang up and hang spray decks.
9/ If you need help with boats just ASK someone for a hand.
10/ Be responsible for caring for your own clothing and equipment.
11/ Do not leave sessions without the permission of the coach or leader.
12/ Junior members are not allowed to smoke or consume alcohol or drugs of any kind whilst on the club premises or whilst representing the club at any events.
13/ Never paddle alone. No matter how well you think you can paddle. Abide by the club rule of paddling in groups of 3 or more for safety reasons.
14/ Respect all wildlife i.e. swans, ducks and fish etc and do not disturb it in any way, shape or form. Follow the canoeist’s code.

If you have a problem that you feel conflicts with the rules, tell an appropriate adult i.e. a coach or helper and they will try and resolve it for you.
Junior members are encouraged to take an active interest in all disciplines of paddling that the club offers. However, no one will be made to participate in any activity they are not comfortable with.

Amy Newnham
Lead Safeguarding Officer