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Hilbre Island Race on Sunday Afternoon. Dee Sailing Club CH61 0HN

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Why not take part with a last minute entry or come along to watch and meet other club members.

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As you may all know we have the three events on this Sunday – Many club members are taking part or helping with safety and organisation. The weather is looking extremely promising with very light winds so if you would like to paddle you can still enter up until midday on Saturday. 4km West Kirby paddle can be done in any craft or paddleboard. If you want more of a challenge why not try going around Little Eye (8km). Any craft.

Club boats can be loaned for the day. The compound is open at 5pm on Saturday to collect boats and will be open on Sunday after the event and BBQ.

Loan of Club boats.

go Kayaking

We have out sponsors from Go Kayaking (Runcorn) over to give out prizes and they will have a selection of gear on show or for sale. If you would like them to bring part of the shop across, ( a demo boat / range of sizes in a particular  item of clothing) Give them a ring or email to discuss. 01928 710770.

Even if you do want to take part, why not come along to watch from the sunny beach / club house. The race starts at 2:30pm but you are advised to get there early as we have closed the road except for competitors. You may need to park in the public car park by the café. Dee sailing club BBQ and Bar are available to spectators and participants. Hot Dogs and Beef Burgers £3.Dee Sailing Club

Dee Sailing Club
Station Road
CH61 0HN